Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Intricacies of Human Perception

"What a nice snow we have today on these gorgeously romantic stones" I thought when I saw the picture this morning.

For me it might be really snow, since it is winter outside.

It can equally be the sand dunes near Tarifa, Spain where the photo was taken there this summer by a friend of mine.

From a factual point of view this last fact is important. From an emotional one - it depends.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

My greatest fears about my education, might actually prove right.
If we are blinded by our education system, do we stand a chance to distinguish good from bad?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

(Business) Process Management

I have been interested in (business) process management for many years. Even before I knew what exactly it means. For example, I was keen on managing the process of disassembling my new toys and then assembling several other new toys from the parts in a business oriented manner (having several toys for the price of one plus the craftsmanship).

However, to put a new beginning (after my master degree in BA), I decided to check this Business Process Management: The SAP Roadmap book.

At first sight, it looks quite corporate. It is also very heavy. I suppose it is from the hidden knowledge inside ;- ))) It contains some remarks about the Toyota way as well, so I expect an interesting reading.

If I manage to understand it, expect more thoughts on it

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can you make a (positive) change

Sometimes I wonder how much effort is necessary to make something good for the community.

I think it is not so much.

The difficult part is to make it in a sustainable manner.

Almost always it is not a question of me doing something. It is more about involving more people in the good initiative, so that it can gain momentum.

It is almost like the Biblical: do not give food to the poor, but rather teach them how to earn it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shall I dare to believe?

I am reading the book The Toyota way. It is all about the perfect work environment in Toyota. Probably it really is so, since they are probably the mightiest car manufacturer in the world. Nevertheless, it still sounds incredible to me, especially comparing it to my experience.

I suppose that some bright day, I will find myself working in a similarly efficient organization.

Until that day come: Today -Toyota.
Tomorrow - Lexus?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

When dealing with false money and unprotected expectations, panic rules the hearts of people

The last news I heard on the TV was about a big bank, that is supposed to be going down due to "lost faith of the investors". What I do not understand in this case is - how can a bank with more than 50 billion dollars more than the required reserves be at risk?

In parallel, another similar meaningless statement, sounding like: We predict that in 2008 our increase in profit will be less than the one in 2008. Therefore we are in crisis, so we will fire most of our american employees.

Are all the people lobotomized?

Friday, November 21, 2008

First Lego League

Working with kids from an elite school over a First Lego League mission proved to be extremely stimulating. My mind went wild while solving complex mathematical issues in the breaks. Communication with them proved to be an accelerated version of my otherwise heavy workload.

Unfortunately all these positive emotions happened last year while I was one of their two mentors.

This year I only watched the presentation of the new team. Nevertheless, the memories came to life and I felt again the thrill and emotional uplift of working with motivated young people.

Let's hope it will happen again ;- )))

Monday, November 17, 2008

A creative soup

Have you ever thought of ways to heat a soup, that should not be heated in the stove or on the hotplate, for a fear of burning it?

Well, we had to think about ways to heat our potato cream soup. The first attempts (on the hotplate and in the grill) resulted in... ;- )))

However, this weekend our creativity brought us to the idea of making the soup a little bit denser. Thus being able to dilute it with hot water, whenever we need it hot.

Long live the cooking creativity!

Paradise and denial

Finally I have managed to watch the beach.

Very nice music, very nice beach, very big lies and a lot of denial.

Is this movie a confirmation that we live only when we make mistakes?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

To live in "interesting times"

A few days ago I was discussing the curve of the work load that we have to live with.
The obvious observation was that sometimes it is going steeply up to a point that goes beyond our strength. The result is that then we eagerly want to reduce this load. However, sometimes it is going down to the level of complete boredom. Subsequently we feel a desire to start a new venture, we get itchy feet, so to say.

Then I was wondering about techniques to level this workload, so that we have to apply an even amount of effort throughout our lives. It would be great, I thought, and was almost ready to jump with joy, but... a worrying image formed in my mind. The image of an emergency room, with a lot of hurrying doctors around patients. And the occasional biiiip sound of the supporting machine when a patient decides to totally level the work load.

No, thank you, was my decision. I would rather live with up and downs in the work load than in a constantly boring environment.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Creativity and Play - Photo

And now...
Here is a picture of my first creativity effort.
I would like to ask you to try it yourself. It is really quite fun.
It can even relieve you from the work stress, so that you can continue helping our world get out of the crisis situation.

World Piece ;- )))

Creativity and play

Hello again ;- )))
Three days ago, I stumbled across a very interesting presentation on about creativity and play.
It made me think that lately I was hardly ever using my hands to create something material.
One day later I was already equipped with plasticine, a modeling board and a modeling knife. The first result is already available - a small phone mock up of the corporate one. Soon I will post a photo of this great masterpiece.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The drive behind it

For quite some time now I have been wondering about the highs and lows of the blogging art. Mainly it was about having time and bravery to share.

Then came the Seth Godin's blog that started shaping some of my views of the world. And finally the post of the sought after employee: The marketer's attitude

I know I am not in the professional marketing. However, I believe that we as communicating entities are constantly in interaction with the other such ones. Therefore, knowing basic marketing principles might prove useful.

Being "curious enough about" my "own ideas I decided to blog" them for others to react to as this is the best way to find out my place in relation to you. So, I would highly appreciate your replies and try to reply with the same.