Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Dip

At school we were thought that one negative example is enough to invalidate the theory we are trying to prove.

The Dip by Seth Godin
is exactly the same example. It shoots at you statements that make you doubt your own behavior. It helps you question the theories supporting your existential philosophy. It is like a real friend supporting you and giving you a hope and advice.

But do not be fooled by the "entertaining book" description on the back cover. A handful of courage to dwell in your deepest motivational factors will not be enough to really entertain yourself and smile at your mistakes. This book will send shivers up and down your spine. But it is for a good reason, as they will help you get through the dip. You can only hope that a fortunate circumstance will face you with it in time before you choose too many wrong battles.

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